Fact or Fiction: 10 Myths You Thought Were True


Lancer Ledger

Find out which 10 myths fool the masses.

If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “Don’t believe everything you hear,” then you surely aren’t mistaken. When it comes to the truth, there seems to be a fine line between fact and fiction, no matter how believable or frequently a story is told. With that in mind, here are 10 shocking and absurd myths that have fooled even the best of us:


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
It’s been proven, humans have more than 5 senses.

Most of us have been told time and time again that our senses include sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch, but it seems that that is not entirely true. According to Business Insider, humans have close to 20 entirely different senses in addition to the common five we have already been exposed to. Many argue that senses can be described as the unique way the brain is able to gather information about the world and body. If that’s the case, then there are definitely more than five basic senses, including balance, pain, temperature, and many more.  


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It’s not uncommon to hear the widely accepted idea that bats are blind; however, it seems that many of us have been mistaken according to USA Today. Though bats can only see in black and white, they can actually see better in the dark than humans can. These creatures lack color receptors, but even in low light, humans find it difficult to see color as well. It is possible that this particular myth sprouted from the idea that about 70% of bats use echolocation to help navigate. Even though that is true, bats are still fully capable of sight.



Polygraph tests, other wise known as lie detector tests, have been frequently utilized in modern society to detect honesty, but it turns out it may be more of a lie itself according to the American Psychological Association. This particular test detects arousal and observes specific body reactions that have been linked to lying like heartbeat, sweating, and brain waves. For many people who show these signs clearly when lying, the test will work, but it can easily be manipulated by people who can control these bodily reactions.


Image by Ignacio D. G. from Pixabay

When the topic of vikings comes to light, the crisp image of horned helmets usually comes to mind. Whether it be in movies, television shows, or even books, vikings are never seen without their very own trademark, metal helmets with vicious horns attached to the very top. Nevertheless, according to The Economists there is actually no evidence that suggests vikings ever wore these intimidating accessories. In fact, the image first made its debut in the Der Ring des Nibelungen opera  written by Richard Wagner where it seemed to stick.


Image by mohamed_hassan from Pixabay
Opposites DO NOT attract!

When looking for a relationship or a partner, it’s been widely accepted across the globe that opposites are what make things work romantically between two people, but that phrase could not be more wrong.  Stanford Graduate School of Business says that scientists conclude that people are more drawn to those who are most similar to them. It is also said that similar partners will lead to long term success because people who are similar can agree on more topics and communicate better. It is falsely proven that dating a person opposite to you will keep things interesting or more balanced.


Image by Genty from Pixabay

Black holes are usually a topic in science that remains a mystery to many, but most have adapted a creative idea to them. To many, people seem to picture a black hole as a giant tube in space that sucks up anything in its path, never to return. According to Geek Wrapped, black holes can be defined as hugely dense objects with an immense gravitational pull. In addition, they are able to create a hole in the fabric of spacetime where light is not able to escape, but they aren’t exactly in the shape of a portal that most people have seemed to believe.  


Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay

The Scientific American, a magazine featuring unique insights on science and technology, reports that the brain is constantly working day and night, taking up around 20 percent of the body’s resources to keep a person functioning, that is until death. Even when a person isn’t paying attention, the brain is constantly doing anything and everything, which is far more than using 10 percent of its capability. However, it all depends on the way a person uses his or her brain. Making new memories or even learning a new skill utilizes an active part of the brain from a new purpose, but never actually exposes a new part.



If you have ever heard of the Salem Witch Trials, you have most likely been exposed to the idea of witches being burned at the stake, but it seems that isn’t exactly how history turned out according to Geek Wrapped. Many innocent people in Salem, Massachusetts were accused of witchcraft for their strange behaviors, which lead to imprisonment and even death. Obviously, these claims were never proven true and the symptoms of “witches” may have all been caused by a fungal infection; however, there were people that did in fact die. Fifteen people died in prison, 19 were hung, and one died by impressments, but never through burning at the stake.


Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

Back in the day, it was a common belief of Europeans that the Earth was in fact flat and not spherical, but that isn’t exactly true according to Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. As it turns out, many medieval Europeans did not believe that the Earth was flat. Ancient Greek philosophers, specifically Plato and Aristotle, first brought out ideas that the Earth was in fact a sphere through their very own scientific research. Though it may have gone against the teachings of the Catholic church, a spherical earth was a common idea among medieval intellectuals.


Image by Bruno Glätsch from Pixabay

Though this falls under a more gruesome category, it is a common for many to believe that hair and fingernails continue to grow even when a person is deceased, as unbelievable as it may sound. Nevertheless, science once again comes to save the day by proving that this is highly unlikely, according to Tech Insider. In order to continue to grow hair and nails, the body needs to be alive and consuming nutrients. Although it may seem like they are in fact getting longer, it is really the skin drying out and shrinking that gives the illusion of growth.