Vaccination: Teen Brings Case Before Congress


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Ethan Lindenberger, an 18 year old from Ohio, stood up for his beliefs in vaccines and found himself presenting his story to Congress.

The vaccination argument has always been up for debate among parents, but now,  their kids are entering the conversation. Vaccination has always been a controversial topic with questions like: Do vaccines cause any adverse medical conditions like autism? What are these chemicals we are putting into our bodies? But one teen of anti-vaccination (or anti-vax) parents saw vaccines for what they really are – a way to prevent preventative diseases. He chose to bypass his parents wishes and get vaccinated. He has now brought his experience all the way to Congress. Ethan Lindenberger, an 18 year old from Ohio, is one of the major supporters for vaccinations, and brought his ideas all the way to the top.

Now, before this all happened, Lindenberger was never vaccinated because his mom denied him getting vaccinations when he was young. He was always told that vaccinations are bad and that they cause brain damage and autism by his mother, who got this information off of Facebook groups. When he got older though, Lindenberger did some research in high school and figured out what vaccinations really do – prevent diseases that could make himself or others very ill. After doing extensive research, turning 18,  and going against his mother’s beliefs, Lindenberger got himself vaccinated.

Lindenberger gained most of his publicity because of how he started to ask questions on vaccination on Reddit. He was asking how to get vaccinated even though his “kind of stupid parents” didn’t allow him to. A couple weeks after he was vaccinated, on March 5, 2019, he was asked to share his story and reasons behind his decision to Congress. He stood with panel of health experts and professors who discussed the importance of vaccines and many other health issues in America. Lindenberger was there to support their argument for vaccinations.

No matter where you stand on the issue, the takeaway is to do your research when it comes to vaccinations and make sure you’re looking at reliable, scientific sources. And, as for us teens, Lindenberger teaches us we can make a difference and be heard.