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The Student News Site of Lakeland Regional High School

The Lancer Ledger

The Student News Site of Lakeland Regional High School

The Lancer Ledger

The Student News Site of Lakeland Regional High School

The Lancer Ledger

Sergei O'Hernandez

Sergei O’Hernandez, Staff Writer

Sergei is a sophomore at LRHS and staff writer for The Lancer Ledger. This is his first year writing for The Ledger. He is very vocal about his opinions and is ready to write them all. He likes hanging out with his friends, watching Netflix, and looking at Ru-Paul’ s Drag Race memes. He is excited to have a platform to write, and excited for this year – you should be too!

All content by Sergei O’Hernandez
New Jersey boast 3 of the 550 Gucci stores worldwide.

Why Gucci is Overrated

Sergei O’Hernandez, Staff Writer
March 26, 2019
Back in November, Lakeland sophomores started prepping for the upcoming New Jersey Student Learning Assessments-ELA (PARCC) using tools like

Proposed PARCC Changes

Sergei O’Hernandez, Staff Writer
November 5, 2018
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Sergei O'Hernandez