Stop the Cursing on Political Signs
An example of a sign that relates to curse words. Imagine a child asking you what “Let’s go Brandon” means.
People in America are very fortunate because they are able to have any political opinion they want. We see people frequently expressing their political opinions whether it be online, conversationally, or on the front lawn. However, over the past six years, there has been much more political dispute than ever before. Recently, there has been an increase in profanities, or implied profanities, on political signs. Due to the recent political disputes, political signs are beginning to become disrespectful, unprofessional, and childish, and this needs to end.
Although everyone’s political opinions should be respected, when families are driving around and see a curse word, most parents don’t want their kids exposed to that language. Let’s not forget that many neighborhoods have small kids and schools. The consequence of this is that the kid could see the sign and innocently repeat the curse word, not knowing the hatred and meaning behind the many words posted on the signs. Additionally, older children may see this as an invitation to use language that is discouraged in many households and schools. Especially in neighborhoods where children are always around, there shouldn’t be signs with cursing.
Signs with cursing in neighborhoods with children have already become a problem in New Jersey. In Roselle Park, a woman is getting a $250 a day fine for her signs in her front yard. Many of the signs feature familiar curse words, and many people who live around the neighborhood call her signs “obscene.” The cursing – which included a huge “F**k you Biden” sign on her fence – led to the municipality telling her that the signs would have to get taken down because it violates a borough ordinance. In the article, it tells how there is an elementary school around the corner of the house with all the signs. The owner of the house claimed that her First Amendment rights were being taken away, but Roselle Park Municipal Court Judge Gary Bundy explained in the article that freedom of speech isn’t an absolute right, and described how the state of New Jersey can’t just put an “umbrella” over all the words and call it “protected speech.” Judge Bundy also said in the article, “This is not a case about politics. It is a case, pure and simple, about language…This ordinance does not restrict political speech.”
Other than the fact that we as humans can get our point across without needing to curse, there is an immaturity that comes along with the cursing. Even though people are still 100% allowed to have their political opinions in the form of a banner or sign in the front of their house, we have to think about how this representation will affect neighborhoods, school areas, and families. For anyone who disagrees, imagine the sign with an opposite representation. How would you feel if the signs that had curse words on it were insulting a political figure that you favor?
Overall, America needs to keep in mind a few factors before putting up signs with profanities in front of their homes. We need to think on how this benefits the cause that we support and how those words affect our communities at large.

Isabella is a freshman in Journalism Class and Club. She is involved in various extracurriculars around school, such as Democracy Matters, Service Club,...