Lakeland Campaigns to be Kind


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Lakeland students who attended the Kind Campaign shared apology notes to those they may have wronged.

The female students of Lakeland Regional High School took part in the Kind Campaign on November 27 and 28, 2018. The Kind Campaign assembly spread awareness about girl against girl bullying.

Ms. Kelly Norton, Lakeland’s student assistance coordinator who set up the assembly, said,  “[Girl bullying] is something that I feel lacks awareness because it is so common, and unfortunately, in our world today, we have so many huge problems going on that I don’t feel that bullying always gets the attention it needs.  I want our students to be aware that I am aware of the issues out there, that I understand what they are going through, and that I am here not to judge, but to help.”

According to the Kind Campaign’s official website, “The kind campaign is an internationally recognized nonprofit organization that brings awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl against-girl bullying through their global movement, documentary film, in school assemblies and educational curriculums.” Lauren Parsekian and Molly Mae Thompson, the creators of the campaign, joined forces in February of 2009 at Pepperdine University to spread awareness throughout schools about how girls can be cruel to one another after experiencing bullying themselves.

Ms. Norton  said the assembly was a success, and that she received a lot of positive feedback from students.

Junior Tina Fenske told the Lancer that she thought the Kind Campaign helps a lot of people, but she thankfully doesn’t think bullying is a big issue at Lakeland. Kelly Kuhar, also a junior at Lakeland said, “I thought the assembly was a hit and a huge success at Lakeland.”

The Kind Campaign helped Lakeland students become more aware of girl against girl bullying and how to seek help. Hopefully, the message will help spread more kindness among students.