Our Lancer band and color guard blasted away their competitors at the Hanover Park Band Competition Saturday, September 30, 2023 and had a strong showing at Ludwig-Musser Classic on October 7, clearing the way for an incredible space themed season with their performance Ready to Launch.
The Hanover Park Band Competition consisted of eight different bands throughout different classes consisting of I A, II A, III A, etc, explained senior band member Jenna Lanza. Each class produces their show and is then awarded points by the judges in each category. These categories are general effect, overall effect, general music, individual music, guard, and pit/battery. After these bands conduct their show, the hosting team performs as an exhibition and is not awarded any points, as they are the team hosting. After this final performance, the judges present awards one class at a time. Ready to Launch is a remarkable performance that earned the band first place as well as winning their class’s caption awards of best music and best effect.

(Courtesy of the Lake Live Feed)
The Ludwig-Musser Classic at Metlife stadium was a day to remember, with many bands competing in the pouring rain. The Lancer Band was lucky enough to get a slot early in the day as bands were competing as late as 9:00 P.M. According to senior band member Kris Finkelstein, despite the weather not cooperating and the competition being on a scale larger than anything the Lancers had ever faced, they were able to have a successful show with minimal issues.
Both Finkelstein and Lanza filled in the Lancer on all of the details of the show. The Lancer band and color guard show, Ready to Launch, includes songs by David Bowie, Elton John and Gustav Holst. From the large moon, changing backdrops, and coordinated color guard performance, the band brings fans to space with every performance right on the field. The band portrays the rocket itself during the journey into and throughout space. Meanwhile, the guard portrays astronauts aboard the ship. The two groups working together help connect the crowd to the music and a visual display with their musical interpretations.

(Courtesy of the Lake Live Feed)
The two groups create this journey in a very unique way as compared to other schools. The music demonstrates a beginning where everything is okay with a smooth takeoff of the band rocket, called Lancer 1. Then, the idea of a “calm before the storm” is introduced as the capsule begins to float lifelessly. Next, there is an obvious “Houston, we have a problem” moment. Once the problem is resolved and conditions are returned to normal, the audience is presented with this happy ending, concluding the show with Elton John’s “Rocket Man.” The color guard does a wonderful job of creating a visual to this story, furthering the viewer’s worry for Lancer 1. This captivating story keeps the audience on the edge of their seat, as they wait to find out what happens to Lancer 1.
According to Lanza, “We all have crucial roles in making sure everything goes smoothly,” but the new band members stood out during this competition. Lanza explains, “It was their first time marching in a competition in front of judges, and they did an incredible job considering all of the stress and pressure we were all under.”
After bringing home yet another Lancer victory, the band anxiously awaits more to come. With their out-of-this world show this band season is sure to shine brightly.