Mr. Rodolfo Rodriguez
May 12, 2023

For this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week, I have chosen my math teacher Mr. Rodolfo Rodriguez. I have Mr. Rodriguez this year for geometry, and it has been one of the most fun math classes I have ever had. Mr. R has impacted me because of his great teaching style and fun personality. Having math last block may seem like a hard task since it takes a lot of thinking; however, Mr. R is always able to make it a class I look forward to attending. He has shared hundreds of jokes with my class over the school year and makes everyone laugh at least once every period. He has impacted my peers and me because whenever we come to class upset over other grades, or down about something that happened earlier, he lifts us up. He believes in all of his students and in turn we can believe in ourselves. Mr. R is such a strong teacher because he goes in depth in every lesson. He does problem after problem of practice no matter how tedious, to help us all understand the lesson. He somehow gets all of us to do our work through the jokes and story time breaks because he gets us excited to learn. My favorite Mr. R moments have to be when he breaks out into his wacky stories at least twice a class. They come randomly whether it be him impersonating his dog, or telling us about when he pretended to rip a student’s project with a sound effect. Another fun moment was the first time he got his marker shot in the jar. He tries all year round to shoot his expo markers into a small jar across the room, which has a very low chance of actually working. During the last few months of last year, he actually made the shot and we all gave him a round of applause.