Dropping in on ‘Shrek the Musical’: Opening Night
Courtesy of Lakeland All School Production Instagram
After much anticipation, ‘Shrek the Musical’ opens to the public today!
The Lakeland Regional High School community is excited for opening night of the long-awaited Shrek the Musical, which will debut on Thursday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. with performances also on Friday, March 10 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 11 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Being in front of a huge crowd must come with some nerves. The Lancer Ledger spoke with some of the actors to discuss some of the feelings that have amassed throughout the process. LRHS sophomore Luke Cioffoletti, who is starring in his first LRHS production as Shrek, stated how he is “both excited and anxious about being on stage in front of a big crowd.” Regarding his role in the big performance, he also said that “although [he has] been in musicals before, [he has] never had a role as big as this.”
Raven Roth, a sophomore at Lakeland who is also starring in the show, stated, “I’m super excited! I hope that everyone coming to see the show enjoys it just as much as [we will when] performing it.”

When preparing for an event like a musical of this scale, it all comes down to the work. Long hours spent after school rehearsing, working to memorize lines, and dealing with intense nerves are all different challenges the actors and the stage crew have had to endure. Cioffoletti told the Lancer Ledger, “Seeing the show come together has made it worth it,” regardless of how much work was expected and presented.
With such a successful production going to take place, a strong leader must be at the helm. For that, we can thank the play’s director and LRHS English teacher, Ms. Melissa Gentile. With her encouragement and leadership, she has brought the cast through many auditions, scheduled rehearsals, prop and set design, and endless hours for preparation.
With everything that has gone into the performances there is no doubt that this musical will be one of the best that LRHS has seen. Through dedication, commitment, and diligence the stars, stage crew, and all those involved in this show will leave their audience with something to remember.
With much talk about this musical, don’t forget to purchase tickets: Lakeland.Booktix.com. Admission is $15.00 for adults, $10.00 for students and seniors, and $7.00 for children ages 10 and under.

Rachel is a freshman at LRHS. This is her first year in journalism, and she is excited to start writing for The Lancer Ledger. Rachel is passionate about...