ADHD and Success in the Workforce
A combined 16% of American citizens, including children and adults, have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a chronic condition that includes attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. While the majority of people would assume people with ADHD are disorganized and unsuccessful, they would be incorrect.
People with ADHD may experience attention difficulty, hyperactivity and impulsiveness; however, there’s several types of ADHD. In reality, ADHD is a varying spectrum, and every person has different experiences and symptoms. Medical News Today enlightens us with insightful information regarding three different types of ADHD. The first and most common type of ADHD is the combined type. Combined ADHD is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors as well as inattention and distractibility. Another type of ADHD is the impulsive/hyperactive type. Followed by the inattentive and distractible type. While these three types of ADHD impact many American citizens, it could be for the working economies best interest.
People with ADHD tend to be creative, resilient, innovative and carry an abundance of energy. On top of that, people with ADHD tend to thrive in their workplace due to their good work ethic, perseverance and being able to thrive in fast paced environments. Accordly to Berkeley Education, “They tend to be calm under pressure and thrive in fast-paced environments.”
Over and above that, people with ADHD may experience hyperfocus. Hyperfocus is the phenomenon that reflects one’s complete absorption into a task, to a point where a person appears to completely ignore or ‘tune out’ everything else besides the specific work at hand. While hyperfocus is a real symptom of ADHD, it’s important to recognize that according to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), hyperfocus is not listed among diagnostic criteria for ADHD. However, many people who have ADHD report that they’ve experienced hyperfocusing.
People who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are resilient, creative, innovative and can have intense absorption into their work. People with ADHD are undeniably successful and hardworking. Successful people who have ADHD include billionaire Bill Gates; businesswoman, socialite, model, and entertainer Paris Hilton; and lastly, singer and songwriter Justin Timberlake.
As has been noted, it’s easily acknowledgeable that anyone has the potential to be successful, including people who have ADHD.

Adriell is a sophomore at Lakeland Regional High School, and this is her first year writing for The Lancer Ledger. She is beyond thrilled to begin writing...
Sandra Saba • Apr 7, 2023 at 3:38 pm
Very informative article. We’ll done.