Sebastian Palmer: “Unsung Hero” Award Nominee
Courtesy of the Lakeland Live Feed
Sebastian Palmer with Mr. Mulhern, Ms, Fagan, and Ms. Bronstein holding his nomination.
Lakeland Regional High School’s senior Sebastian Palmer was nominated for the “Unsung Hero” award in January of 2023. Palmer is deserving of this award in many ways.
Ms. Melanie Bronstein, an LRHS case manager, told the Lancer Ledger that “this award goes to a student who may not be recognized under typical award categories, but is extremely deserving of recognition and praise for his contributions to the school and community, nonetheless.”
The reasons Palmer is a fit candidate for this award is because he is a model student and has maintained honor roll throughout all of his years here at LRHS. “Sebastian is hardworking and has always been polite to his peers and all of the people around him. Sebastian doesn’t just love school but he is also a huge member in a lot of clubs here at LRHS and is also a part of the band team.” Ms Bronstein states.
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction Mr. Michael Novak and Ms. Bronstein both stated, “Sebastian is diligent, conscientious, driven, and self-motivated. I am honored to have had the pleasure of working with Sebastian at Lakeland Regional High School.”
When speaking with the Lancer Ledger, Palmer explained how he felt very honored being nominated for this award and recognized for all of the work that he has put in the years here at LRHS. Even though Palmer faced some social and personal challenges, he didn’t let that get in the way of keeping his grades up and becoming a strong leader in band.
According to Palmer, this is how others can be “Unsung Heros”: “Never give up on their hopes and dreams no matter what hurdles they face. Everyone faces challenges in life. it’s a matter of overcoming those challenges and preserving further. You are stronger than you realize.”

Erijona is a sophomore at Lakeland Regional High School. This is her first year writing for The Lancer Ledger, and she is very eager to start writing and...