Ellen Pompeo departure from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ leaves fans wondering why they should still watch.
‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Should End with Loss of Main Character
For two decades, the show Grey’s Anatomy has been an exceptional sensation. This show is led by actress Ellen Pompeo, who plays the show’s main character, Meredith Grey. Through the 19 seasons, this show has taken the viewers through times of laughter, heartbreak, and the evolution of medicine. Fans have watched for years as Meredith grows from a young intern to a wise chief of surgery despite the loss of several of her colleagues. However, now that Ellen Pompeo has left Grey’s Anatomy, fans all over are devastated, saying they won’t watch the show because “No Meredith means no Grey’s.”
The show Grey’s Anatomy shouldn’t continue on without its main character.
Not only is her character so important that it’s earned a spot in the title of the show, but Meredith Grey has appeared in 396 of the 406 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. Since season one, she has been a prominent character with a riveting life story. Viewers love her character because of her emotional complexity, which allows different people to relate to her and her journey.
Like many surgical interns in real life, in season one of Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith is intimidated by her new grueling, time consuming job. However, fans see her befriend her colleagues and throughout the many seasons watch them grow together. They move up in rank at Seattle Grace Mercy West from interns to residents. Along the way, new characters come and go, and new stories are added, but the one constant throughout it all is the beloved Meredith Grey. When other characters died off or quit, she remained. When she experienced trauma, she persevered and was able to become an attending, something that she had dreamed of since she was an intern. She then moved on to win several awards for her amazing talent in the operating room, and become a chief in her department, and then the chief of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Meredith is not only an intelligent character that we can admire, but she is also a lovable character we can laugh with because of her dark and witty sense of humor. Her on stage personality added a comedic aspect to the show that no other character can ever replace. She is feisty, and fun although serious and this makes the show entertaining for all of its fans. Who will they laugh with now? There isn’t any more clumsy, dark and twisty Meredith Grey anymore.
Now all that’s left is two members of the original cast, and a new batch of interns that fail to measure up to Meredith Grey’s intern class of season one. The producers even copied Meredith Grey’s story line with brand new intern Jules Millin of season nineteen. Like Meredith did when she was an intern back in season one, Jules Millin had relations with a man that turned out to be her boss, and found out he worked at Grey Sloan Memorial on her first day as an intern. Not only is Meredith leaving, but now the producers are shoving an intern with her exact storyline into the show. Why have the show go on if things are now being recycled?
With all of this being said, the major problem with Ellen Pompeo leaving the show is that it will cause views to drastically decline. Ellen Pompeo has been working hard at her role for two decades now and by all means deserves to move on to find better opportunities. After all of her dedication to Grey’s, it’s good for her to start new projects and show her versatility. However, even though she is growing and moving on, that doesn’t mean the show has to as well. Meredith Grey hasn’t even been gone for a whole season yet, and still, fans are already turning off the show they’ve stuck with for decades. Fans all over say: “It’s not Grey’s Anatomy without Meredith Grey. She made this show what it is.” The producers should worry that their views will decrease because of her leaving the show, and this is because of all of the fans who appreciate her character.
The producers should rethink leaving Grey’s Anatomy on air without its star character. They should come up with a clever ending, leaving room for fans to interpret how their other favorite characters’ lives go on. The show doesn’t seem necessary, since the woman it’s named after has now left. The amazing show that is Grey’s Anatomy started with Meredith Grey and should end with her.
Tune into Meredith’s exit on February 23 on ABC.