Lakeland Hosts a Spring College Fair: What The Annual Event Offers Students
Juniors Divine Crilly and Melissa Meakem show off their swag from the College and Career Fair hosted by LRHS on April 8.
After being halted for the past two years due to COVID-19, Lakeland Regional High School was able to host their annual Spring College and Career Fair once again. On Friday, April 8, 2022, Lakeland’s cafeteria, East gym, and Senior Meeting Room were filled with various colleges and representatives, eager to project their school to LRHS students. Lakeland juniors, and some seniors who missed out on the occasion due to the pandemic, were divided into two, one-hour long sessions during blocks one and two. Each session provided students with the ability to learn about a variety of different colleges and to leave their information with schools they wished to stay in contact with.
What the College Fair Offered
Some students may question the reason LRHS holds annual college fairs. Guidance counselors Mr. Brian Mulhern and Ms. Tara Ross were glad to elaborate to The Lancer Ledger. They explained that the fair offers “personalized contact with a large group [of colleges] at one time.” They also voiced that students are provided with information beforehand and encouraged to have a few colleges in mind to target. With ideas of colleges and/or majors, students can focus on ones that present such opportunities. Both counselors agreed that the fair provides new ideas and resources some may not have known before the event.

When talking to different college representatives, The Lancer Ledger found that colleges have many different things to offer. These colleges call them their “wow factor” which helps bring more attention to their college. The colleges at the fair wanted to convince the students why their college was for them. College representatives explained how some students search for different factors in colleges, whether this be a small or large campus, close to a city or suburb, or close to home or far away. For example, Izzy, a college representative from St. Bonaparte University told The Lancer Ledger that an interesting thing about her college was the Division One basketball offered at St. Bonaparte.
However, there are many students who are yet to discover what college is their perfect fit. One of the many benefits of the college fair is the diverse options of schooling. Students may learn about a college they have never heard about before at the college fair. Some consider this to be an “eye opening experience.”
Similar to how students search for their ideal college, colleges look for their ideal student. When talking with Felician University representative Samantha, she said that Felician looks for students who are heavily involved in extracurriculars throughout the duration of high school, as they hope this pattern will continue in college. There are also many cumulative standards for students looking at colleges. For example, Seth from Husson University said that the college looks for at least a 3.0 GPA within all students going.
What Students Took from the Event
However, with so many options on the table, the ultimate decision is made by the students. The Lancer Ledger, asked students at the fair what they’re looking for in a college. Students with majors ranging from design all the way to law, all want certain things and aspects in their college future from different qualities in dorming, programs, and campuses.
Lisa Star, a LRHS junior, went into depth about what stands out to her regarding colleges. When asked what she wants to major in, she said criminal law. Schools that stood out to her include the University of New Hampshire and the University of Tampa. Certain aspects that Star is looking for in a college include a great D1 program as well as an adequate criminal law system.

Star isn’t the only LRHS junior looking for a future in criminal justice. Frankie Medici, also a junior, talks about looking for a college with an impressive law program, a good atmosphere, and quality dorming.
Sierra Piazza, a senior attending the college fair, is interested in pursuing a career in graphic design. She would like to attend either Montclair University or the University of Notre Dame. When exploring schools, factors that attract Piazza are good student advocacy and the interactive, social aspects of the campus.
On a completely different path, Jordan Spann, a junior planning on majoring in psychology, is mostly looking for a college with decent dorming. Both Purdue University and The University of Brighton fulfill what she wants.
Though many students have an idea as to what college they are interested in, some students might not. Junior Amanda Whitmore knows she wants to major in nutritional science, yet she’s not too sure as to what college will offer that the best.
Each year, the college fair is an incredible opportunity for students to explore various different colleges and what they have to offer. The fair is both an informative and exciting time for both students and the representatives, and the Lakeland community is thrilled to be able to safely host the event yet again.

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