Hall Passes: Back in Business

Trying to curb students wandering the halls, in order to leave the classroom, students need to have both their ID and hall pass.
Hall passes have reentered the scene at Lakeland Regional High School, as of November 22, 2021
Assistant Principal Rita Mazza reached out to LRHS staff regarding the re-addition of golden colored paper hall passes, stating that the passes have been implemented for teachers to sign and give out to students whenever leaving the room or going to extra help during the school day. While it is normal to give out passes, some students find it confusing because of the use of IDs and lanyards.
According to Ms. Mazza, even though students use IDs to scan in or out almost everywhere, some have been seen wandering around the school and being unable to identify where they are needed to go. This would hopefully lower the chances of students walking around aimlessly.
This is not the first time hallway passes have been implemented at LRHS. According to teachers, bathroom passes were around before COVID-19 had started. They then removed the method of giving out passes to reduce contact with students and staff. With vaccinations, masks, and a major drop in cases, limitations have been reduced.
Along with the passes, staff are still only allowing one student out of the room and using the district’s scanning system to scan students in the halls and in line for the restroom.

Jeremy is a freshman at LHRS and a staff writer for The Lancer Ledger. This is his first time writing for a paper, and he is interested in what will be...