DECA’s Walkathon Raises Funds and Awareness for Children’s Cancer

Courtesy of LRHS DECA

DECA members Jack Burke and Ryan Caporusso ready to share information about Cookies for Cancer’s cause at the start of the Walkathon.

Lakeland Regional High School’s DECA program hosted a walkathon at the school on Saturday, November 20, 2021. The event raised $1,500 for the non-profit organization, Cookies for Kids’ Cancer. 

Cookies for Kids’ Cancer’s mission is to “raise funds for research and develop less toxic treatments.” With pediatric cancer rates increasing, DECA agreed this fundraiser was essential to not only donate, but to bring awareness to the sickness. 

Ms. Ornella Incardona, DECA’s advisor, gave insight on what it was like to plan the fundraiser. When asked what inspired the group to donate to this organization she said,  “New Jersey DECA every year asks their DECA chapters to raise money for an organization, and this year Cookies for Kids Cancer was chosen.”

DECA members enthusiastically raised more funds through selling treats and hot cocoa on the chilly morning. (Courtesy of LRHS DECA)
Members of the LRHS community participated in the walkathon that raised both funds and awareness for childhood cancer. (Courtesy of LRHS DECA)

When questioned how the participants would raise money, she said, “So there are two ways to give money to a walkathon, number one, you can give a flat rate. You could say you wanna donate fifty dollars and walk a couple of miles, or you could just go out and ask people to sponsor you.” 

“That’s what DECA is about,” Ms. Incardona said, “giving back to your community.”