Return of Homework Club Gives Struggling Students a Boost
On Mondays, Ms. Pam Herzig (front left) and Ms. Donna Hess (back right) work with students on their math assignments.
The 2021-2022 has brought many positive changes back to the Lakeland community, including the re-start up of an academic program. Homework Club started again at Lakeland Regional High School, but with a new name – the Academic Afterschool Assistance Program (AAAP). Students from every grade are invited to go to the Media Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays to help gain more knowledge on a given subject.
On Tuesdays, Ms. Donna Hess and Ms. Pam Herzig will help students with math; on Wednesdays Ms. Ann Pagano and Ms. Gerri Batelli will help with English, and Mrs. Brenda Ferguson will help with Science; on Thursdays Ms. Patricia Kebrdle and Mr. Thomas McCormack will help our students with history. The different subjects on different days aim to help keep students more focused and to make sure there is no confusion about when help is available for each subject.
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, Mr. Michael Novak, expressed his excitement on the reboot of this program. When asked about the inspiration for the revival of the program, he told the Lancer Ledger, “We have been running it since 2016 and really only paused because the pandemic made it challenging to [run]. I feel really strongly about the program, especially as we transition back to a more normal school environment.”
The program has been very prominent over first and second marking periods, with many talking about its return. Students have been emailed, personally asked, and informed about how to use the program to better themselves and their academics. With school environments going back to normal, students are now able to study in a social environment, a huge difference from the studying students partook in last year.
The club has a goal of increasing student participation and effort in their academic performance. Lakeland English teacher Ms. Ann Pagano describes how the AAAP will help students want to gain more of a control of their academic success. She tells the Lancer Ledger, “The AAAP offers students the chance to react in an effective and constructive manner.”
Ms. Pagano isn’t alone in her opinions about how students should use this program. History teacher Mr. Thomas McCormack tells The Ledger, “I predict it will increase student’s grades and overall academic success. Again, you only get out of something what you put into it. I trust many students will take advantage of this program and it will be a huge success.”
Overall, the club ultimately wants its students to gain more of a control of their academic success, helping to also build pride and self-worth to those using the program. Lakeland Regional High School proves time and time again that it puts their students above and beyond the rest.

Isabella is a freshman in Journalism Class and Club. She is involved in various extracurriculars around school, such as Democracy Matters, Service Club,...