Discipline Point System: A Helping Hand For Lakeland Students

November 20, 2018
The Discipline Point System, which was implemented during the 2017-2018 school year, has been a successful initiative in managing student discipline at Lakeland Regional High School, and has helped students act respectfully and be timely since its enactment.
According to the Dean of Students, Ms. Mazza, “In the past two years we have seen a dramatic decline in discipline incidents. Students have more accountability for their actions now and are held more accountable for their behavior because now it affects other things such as athletic and club participation.”
The Discipline Point System is a straight forward system for students and staff. If a student breaks a rule, they are written up and may be given points. Points are given out for things like lates and dress code violations.
As an incentive to students not to break rules and be respectful when on school grounds, having points lead to additional consequences. For example, you must have 0 points to do things like attend prom, participate in sports and clubs, and go on field trips. Ms. Mazza stated this has been very effective as most students want to participate in these activities.
Students can rid themselves of points earned by doing things like attending detentions or other school activities like Homework Club.
Ms. Mazza speaks for the administration when she says, “We feel that the points system has been very beneficial in managing discipline. Many coaches and club advisors follow up with me to ensure their students are doing the right thing, which shows the students they [the staff] are vested in their success as well.”
Joni Bedell • Dec 10, 2018 at 8:07 am
Good job….excited for all the writers!