Gov. Phil Murphy Opens Beaches for Summer


Atlantic City beaches on a beautiful day.

Governor Phil Murphy announced that the New Jersey beaches and lakes will be opened for Memorial Day with some restrictions. Murphy announced the good news at his daily press conference on  Thursday, May 14, 2020, and after a successful MDW weekend down the shore, more beaches and boardwalks are opening their gates.

Murphy said, “We want everybody to have fun but be safe… the shore is central to our Jersey identity and we want to ensure that families can safely enjoy it this summer,” according to NBC News 4 New York. 

Certain restrictions will be in place. The lakes and beaches are required to close once they reach capacity and social distancing must be maintained on both, meaning that beach goers must be spread out six feet apart from other parties. Also, there are to be no organized sports or gatherings of any kind, including concerts, festivals, fireworks, summer camps and other special events of this nature. While rides, games and other amusements on the boardwalk will remain closed, restaurants will be operating as take out only. It is also recommended but not required that beach goers wear masks. 

Another addition to the new normal for our beloved beaches are social distancing ambassadors. Social distancing ambassadors will operate like badge checkers, roaming the beach making sure people are maintaining social distancing and gently reminding those who aren’t to maintain the 6 feet distance. 

Murphy is also starting to allow drive-thru celebrations, such as drive-in movies and drive-thru parades to celebrate graduations. He also is allowing some nonessential retail businesses to reopen with curbside pick-up only and nonessential construction work can resume.

Whether this is for the best or not, it is nice to see some life returning to normal. We’re not sure what the rest of the summer will be like but one things for certain, those beaches will be open!