Seniors Take Part in Annual Drive Alive Program

Lancer Ledger

One of the many signs hung up throughout the senior hallway.

The senior class of 2019 took part in the annual Drive Alive Program on May 20, 2019. The assembly is held every year to raise awareness on drinking and driving and sexual assault, specifically during MDW (Memorial Day Weekend), prom, and graduation time.

This year, students were engaged in two presentations, each from a prosecutor from the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office. Other guest speakers were there as well – a 1998 Lakeland alum who was the victim of a car crash involving a drunk driver and the parents of a teenager who went to Lakeland in the 2000s who died while driving drunk on his way home from a party. The presentations included powerful testimonies, educational facts and information, and gripping videos on the effects of driving under the influence. The presentation also included an engaging video teaching students about sexual assault and the importance of staying away from situations that could result in it.

The touching stories and influential videos taught students to make smart choices as their senior year comes to a close and they start the next chapter in their lives.

The assembly finished off with a guest musical act: performers Justin and Ethan. The duo covered a few recent favorites and performed some originals, like one about outer space. To get students involved, the duo had some seniors come up to sing “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper from the film A Star Is Born.

Once students exited the assembly, they were greeted by the senior hallway being decorated with signs and spirit to keep the conversation open and in their minds about making smart choices.

Remember: Get a ride for yourself and your friends – don’t drink and drive! And please, think about how your choices can not only impact your life, but those around you.