Bring Your Child to Work Day: Julie Reeves, age 10, Interviews Dad
Julia Reeves working hard on the article about her dad, English teacher Mr. Reeves. Make sure to check out this published writer on The Ledger!
On bring your child to work day, I got to interview my dad, Mr. Reeves.
When we found him, we asked him questions. He said his favorite color is blue, favorite number is seven, favorite food is pizza, favorite year is 1977, favorite drink is coke, favorite book is One Flew Over the Koo Nest*, favorite place is OBX, favorite month is June, favorite movie is Fight Club, favorite animal is gorilla, and lastly, his favorite season is summer!
I am really happy to be here today with my dad.
*One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Michael Novak • May 6, 2019 at 1:16 pm
Sign her up for Journalism!!
Mrs. Cawley • May 6, 2019 at 12:15 pm
Looks like you have the next Dianne Sawyer on your hands, Mr. Reeves. Julia – – asking all the hard-hitting questions!