It’s finally that time of year where students get to pick what classes they are interested in taking next school year. Electives are varieties of fun classes students can choose from to add to their schedule. Electives play a big role in students’ academic journey and personal growth. While core subjects like math, science, and language arts are essential for building foundational knowledge, electives provide students with the opportunity to explore their passions, develop new skills, and discover potential career interests. These courses, ranging from the arts to technology, offer a diverse range of experiences that can enhance creativity, critical thinking, and even social emotional development.
Throughout the end of February and beginning of March students will get called down to talk with the counselor during their health and gym classes to discuss possible classes they are interested in taking for school next year. You might even notice teachers trying to promote their courses that they teach by leaving fun posters around the school.
When choosing electives students must keep in mind some courses may not meet the requirements in two areas. In order to graduate, students will need 5 credits of visual arts and performance arts, 5 credits of 21st century life and career skills, and 5 credits of world language (if students are planning on going to college they must have two years of the same language which would be 10 credits).
Looking through the Student Curriculum Guide students have a variety of courses to choose from. Below are come highlights that LRHS offers:

Introduction to Business:
This course exposes students to the world of business and helps prepare them for economics. Students will understand the basics and importance of business, helping students to effectively perform their responsibilities as citizens. All students are eligible to become a member of DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America).
Fashion Illustration and Design 1:
In fashion, students will learn unique fashion techniques. Students will learn the history of fashion and how it connects to current designs. Students will have the ability to bring their own ideas to life by creating real articles of clothing.
Multimedia Presentation:
In multimedia, students will learn creative and impressive skills to create images and presentations. The class will be covering a full cycle in the preparation of media and will be teaching students to edit photos and videos in many unique ways.
Movement and Wellness:
In Movement and Wellness students will be introduced to topics within movement science and wellness studies. Students will gain an understanding for the process of physical health and emotional wellness. This class will be a great class for those wanting a career related to orthopedics, exercise science, physical therapist, nutritionist, sports physiologist and many more careers.
Italian l
Students will learn basic phrases and be able to write, read, and say full sentences in Italian. According to the LRHS Curriculum Guide, Students will use dialogue, games, written and oral projects, readings, grammar drills and repetition to communicate and aid in the acquisition of the Italian language.