The Class of 2024’s Guide to High School
As the Lakeland Regional High School Class of 2024 prepares for graduation, they have begun to reminisce on their time spent in high school. Our unconventional beginning as freshmen gave us the ability to adapt and overcome challenges. Our transitional sophomore year helped us return to normalcy and recognize our goals moving forward. Full of testing and applications, our stressful junior year allowed us to decide who we hoped to become. Our nostalgic senior year led us to cherish the time we have left together and look onto our end of year festivities and post-graduation plans. Over the course of these hectic four years we, the seniors of the Lancer Ledger senior staff members, have learned so much and hope to be able to leave some of it with the underclassmen we are saying goodbye to…
Christiana Ranft

Christiana Ranft, who plans to attend Providence College and study English, advises underclassmen to make the most out of each moment you have. Before you know it you’ll be graduating and wishing for one more night with your family, one more class with your best friends, or one more practice for the sport you love. Try to leave Lakeland with the least amount of regrets possible; join that club or team you’ve been watching from afar and talk to that person you think looks cool. You want to leave high school as someone you’re proud of, so remember to put your best foot forward in everything you do. Colleges look at your grades and extracurriculars from freshman year on; make sure you study for that test you’ve been putting off and try to make sure you are presenting the best version of yourself.
These years go by faster than you think; make each moment worth remembering. Don’t worry about anyone else’s opinion of you, just do the things that make you happy, even if they’re uncomfortable at first. Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new can never hurt and might end up being the best decision you’ve ever made. Enjoy the time you have left here, it’ll be over before you know it!
Sam Stokem
Sam Stokem, who plans to attend William Paterson University, advises underclassmen to try a variety of elective classes, especially if you don’t know what your plans after high school will be. LRHS has a lot to offer in the realms of electives and classes, so feel free to experiment. You might enjoy something you never expected to. In my sophomore year, I was placed into the Video 1 class due to a schedule change. That was the only class with an open spot available to fill that empty space. Fortunately, the class fell under the 21st Century Life & Careers requirement I needed to graduate; I wasn’t initially thrilled with this placement, but the class turned out to be one of the most memorable I ever took. I had a lot of freedom in that class with assignments and felt as if the videos were truly mine – I could create them to be what I thought was perfect rather than simply give the teacher what they wanted to see. Not only that, but the environment was really refreshing. Most people were extremely excited to be there rather than grumbling as they trudged through the door.
This abundance of freedom and enthusiasm in that class allowed me to fully indulge the creativity and imagination of my mind, and it is something I didn’t take for granted. In fact, I used the skills and knowledge I learned from Video 1 and made a project of my own two years later in my senior year. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without having been randomly placed in Video 1!
I hope that you, as an underclassman, have the courage to take a class that doesn’t seem to spark much interest and turn that into something you will never forget.
Allison Doran

Allison Doran, who plans on attending Clark University for Game Design, says, “My advice would be to not hesitate to join any clubs or activities that interest you. When I was riddled with anxiety throughout my freshman and sophomore years, joining clubs helped me to make friends and become comfortable in the school where I’d be spending the next few years of my life. Although I didn’t join any clubs until sophomore year (due to COVID eliminating any possibilities for me as a freshman), it still helped me make some of the best friends I’ve had throughout my time at this school. In Dungeons & Dragons Club, I’ve been able to lead a party of players through multiple adventures, forming strong pacts of friendship in our journeys. While we try our best to have a serious story, we can’t help but goof off— which has led to some of the best moments of the campaign, like when one of my players threw a sardine (another player) at a villain’s face, and landed a critical hit. Another club I joined was Creative Writing Club. Here I was able to pursue my passion for writing while bolstering my friendships with those who shared this passion with me.
While at first I was hesitant and reluctant about joining these clubs, I did everything I could to push aside my anxiety and uncertainty, and I wouldn’t regret it for a moment. Don’t let yourself ignore these opportunities for any reason—you will certainly regret it later on. Remember that it is important to follow your passions, and give time to the things that interest you; it will help you grow as a person and make each day far more enjoyable. Also, don’t forget that it’s never too late to try something new. Even if it’s the end of junior year, it’s not too late to join that club that’s been calling to you, or that sport that has piqued your interest – in the end, it can’t hurt to try something new!”
Sean Walker

Sean Walker, who plans to study History and Education at Bucknell University, says “My advice to the underclassman would be not to underestimate how valuable your time in high school is. For me, it feels like just a few days ago, I was a freshman sitting on a Zoom at my desk, wondering about what the future held for me. I dreamed of becoming a successful student-athlete that would one day help Lakeland reach new heights. As the years have passed by from freshman to senior year, it has only felt like a mere few months that I’ve been a Lakeland Lancer. All these moments that I’ve dreamed of, ever since I was a little kid, were passing right before my eyes. My advice? Seize the moment as soon as possible. Don’t let your desired experience, no matter what you’re passionate about, slip through your fingers. Whether that’s trying out for the school play, joining the yearbook club, taking a specific elective, joining the art club, participating in any sport, or just focusing on perfecting your academics, don’t let these opportunities pass you by. It may seem as though you have forever to achieve your desires, but nothing in life is guaranteed. Don’t waste your time dreaming about the future: make your future; work for your future right now.
The other aspect, and in my opinion the more depressing aspect of my looming graduation, is the fact that I won’t be with the people that I’ve spent the last twelve years of my life with anymore. These people, in their own unique way, are all I know, and they’ve changed my life for the better. The amount that I’ve learned from so many people in my class, whether they were my friends or not, is incredible. In one way or another, their personal experience with me shaped me into the person I am today. Enjoy spending time with everyone in your class in some form or another. Whether that’s in a class, at a sporting event, or at an event outside of school, make the most of the time you have left with the people you grew up with. Pretty soon, that time will expire.
Kanye West once said in his song “Homecoming,” “You never know what you got ‘till it’s gone.” In this song, West details returning to his home city of Chicago, and how much he takes pride in being from the city. While my time at Lakeland isn’t completely gone, in a few short months, it will be. As a graduating senior, I realize now, leaving Lakeland, that my experience truly was an incredible one that I wouldn’t change for the world. Make the most of your opportunities by appreciating and learning from the incredible Lakeland family, because one day, your time will be gone.
Kathryn Owens

Kathryn Owens, who is attending Pennsylvania State University to study nursing. She will also be part of the Navy ROTC program. Her advice to underclassmen is, “I remember upperclassmen telling me my freshman year that high school will fly by, but I didn’t truly believe them. With graduation just around the corner, I understand exactly what they mean. Cherish every moment because it’ll be over before you know it. Enjoy your time in high school, this is your time to discover who you truly are. You may be worried about what the future holds. Trust the process. You might know exactly what you want to do in life or have absolutely no idea and that’s okay. Be open to different possibilities. Seize every opportunity you have to explore your interests whether it’s career related or not. Take that class, join that club, talk to that person, go to that dance or football game because you’ll never know unless you try. It may become one of your favorite high school memories or lead you to finding out something new about yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for help. Find a mentor in your desired field. These little things may seem obvious but your future self will thank you for making the most out of your high school experience as you apply to college, scholarships, and jobs.
You’ll never truly appreciate the moment until it’s over so do your best in everything that you do.”
More Advice and Memories from the Class of 2024
Althea Cioffoletti
Senior Althea Cioffoletti, who plans to attend the University of Delaware for Elementary Education, advises, “Make sure you don’t burn yourself out and enjoy the four years of high school with the friends you have and make memories because the years go by really fast.”
Cioffoletti said that one of her favorite memories from Lakeland [was] “all of the football games and being able to be a part of the student section cheering and watching the game.”
Gabrielle Davis
Gabrielle Davis, who aims to keep life exciting by moving forward with no plans, advises, “Enjoy every year you have, the good and the bad. Experiences are everything. Don’t waste time hanging out with the wrong people even if that means you have to be alone for a while…
Be outgoing! Hangout with everyone before it’s too late, once you graduate you are probably never going to see these people again, so enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t overthink everything – high school is four years out of the decades you are going to be living… You have your entire life ahead of you, don’t let one single moment define you.
Be nice… Keep your thoughts to yourself; don’t be a bully, and just be nice to people who deserve it.
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to be a good student, and have a lot of fun. Balance and time management are your best friends… It just takes some thinking and a little effort and probably a calendar.”
Over the past four years, one of Davis’ favorite memories she shared was, “Meeting my best friends, and enjoying those random moments in school with people you barely know… I have always enjoyed meeting random people in moments where you’d never expect to meet people. I met my best friend in my English class, and I have been friends with him ever since.”
Emma McBride
Emma McBride, who seeks to attend West Virginia University, major in nursing, join the ROTC program, then later enlist and work as an Army Nurse, gave the advice of, “Don’t look ahead too much, just enjoy the moment you are in. Time will pass just the same but at least when it’s over you’ll be able to remember it.”
McBride said, “My favorite memory from my time spent at Lakeland was winning the first round of states during my senior soccer season. We were tied, went through two 10 minute overtimes. It came down to penalty kicks, and we won.”
Nicole Arzayus
Nicole Arzayus, who plans to go to college to become an art teacher, gave the underclassmen the advice to, “Run and do the actual work. Do not mess around your freshman year and focus on yourself, clubs and grades.”
Arzayus informed the Ledger that her favorite memories were when she “got hit in the neck in fencing,” or when she “almost caught a napkin on fire at [her] friend’s lab set up.”
Victoria Sabatelli
Victoria Sabatelli, who plans to attend Clemson University majoring in health sciences and partaking in the ROTC program, advises underclassmen not to “take any day for granted. Even on the hard days or the long days try to find some positives because you will look back at only the positives.”
Sabatelli said her favorite memories were “All of the sporting games and pasta dinners that come with them!”
Stephan Schwab
Stephan Schwab gave the advice to “Take AP Bio, taught by the WONDERFUL Mrs. Ferguson, [and join] Philosophy Club, led by the AMAZING Mrs. Roush.”
As your years in high school fly by, make sure to spend your time wisely. Don’t pass up opportunities to spend time with friends and always follow your passions. Before you know it these years will become some of your favorite memories, so value every moment before they are gone. The Class of 2024 wishes the LRHS underclassmen all the best as they set out to embark on their future endeavors.